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Things To Do: Write a thoughtful letter or make a Rube Goldberg machine

Do something nice for someone you don't even know, and make them feel special.

Staying inside can be lonely. Use the extra time you have today to make someone feel extra special.

Write someone a letter, old school style. Break out the pen and paper and tell someone you're thinking of them during this hard time. It can be a senior citizen living in a nursing home, or a soldier trapped abroad, or even your best friend. The simple act could make someone else's day, which sounds like a perfect way to spend you free time.


Have you ever heard of a Rube Goldberg Machine? Chances are even if you haven't, you've seen one. It's an invention which makes simple acts super complicated. You can build your own at home with items lying around the house, like dominos, or rubber balls, and utensils. 


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