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Helping furry friends | Jefferson Awards

Ashley Vuxta of Dauphin County goes above and beyond to help dogs at the Doberman Pinscher Rescue of Pennsylvania.

YORK, Pa. — FOX43 is joining forces again this year with Multiplying Good for the Jefferson Awards. It's a way to highlight people in your neighborhood who go above and beyond to help their community, and we need your help to find them!

If you're curious who would be a good candidate, here's an example of one who shows their good deed doesn't have to impact thousands of people to be nominated.

Someone's small act of kindness doesn't even have to impact people—it can also help our furry friends. Ashley Vuxta of Dauphin County started volunteering with the Doberman Pinscher Rescue of Pennsylvania in 2021. They were looking for someone to foster a dog named Henry who was not doing well.

Vuxta thought a surgery on Henry's paw would help him recover and get to his forever home in no time, but he ended up needing an extensive amount of medical care and was put on hospice.  

Ashley's fiancé, John Gallagher, says many people surrender their animals when they require tremendous amounts of costly care like Henry does, but not Vuxta. Gallagher says he nominated her because it's not just Henry she helps. 

"She is a role model of empathy and compassion and dignity and respect for all animals," Gallagher said about Vuxta. "At the point where most dogs are put down, that's when Ashley opens up her life and her house to dogs and says 'I will love you, I will take care of you. I will rearrange my entire house,' which she has done. 'I will rearrange my entire life,' which she has done. It's amazing to witness, and it's contagious."

Vuxta says what she loves the most about volunteering at the rescue is watching the dogs get to the point where they feel safe, loved and confident to finally be themselves.

So you see, you don't have to change the world to do some good in your community. If you know someone you would like to nominate for a Jefferson Award, you can do so by clicking here.

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