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Police warn of spike in 'distraction thefts'

Springettsbury Township police say the thefts are happening at big retail stores.

YORK COUNTY, Pa. — Springettsbury Township police are warning the public about a spike in "distraction thefts" happening at big retail stores across town.

The way it works is one person distracts a shopper while the other steals the wallet out of the victim’s purse.

“If you’re going to put your purse in that shopping cart, that’s really a target for thieves to look for, so you become a target yourself," said David Kalinoski, associate state director for AARP's Pennsylvania office.

The suspects then hit another store and charge thousands of dollars in purchases to their credit cards.

Most victims are women. Elderly people are targets too.

The news has shoppers on high alert.

"I closely watch [my purse] when I'm in stores," said Jane Snyder of Red Lion. "It's been happening a lot around here."

"I always strap it to the cart or have it against [myself]," said Erika Strickhouser of Dover. "You have to be aware of your surroundings."

Police say these crimes could become more common as the holiday season approaches. 

“With any type of distraction scam, the more people in a store creating a rush or commodity, you’re going to have people’s attention distracted," said Kalinoski.

Experts say to always be vigilant, and if this does happen to you, report it immediately.

“Report it not only to the attendant at that shopping center because they can go and look at video that might actually catch that person but report it to law enforcement," added Kalinoski.

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