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Combatting August anxiety, end-of-summer stress

Aug. 15 is National Relaxation Day. Here are some tips to fight off August anxiety as the summer winds down.

YORK, Pa. — Aug. 15 is National Relaxation Day! 

As the summer winds down, many people start to feel a slight panic. August anxiety is officially here, so FOX43 has some easy tips from experts on how to stay calm.

That dreaded alarm clock is almost here for the start of another school year. From kids to teachers and parents alike, August anxiety can really hit home. The National Institute of Stress reports about 33% of people feel extreme stress.

Dr. J.P. Shand with Wellspan Health says it's important to remember that not all anxiety is bad. Some stress can actually be good for many people.  

"What it does is it allows us to do the things that we need to do that we otherwise wouldn't want to do... so it makes you perform better," Dr. Shand said.

Too much stress, though, can negatively affect someone's physical and emotional health. That's why it's important to find activities that help you counteract the impact.  

"Personally, I try to get outdoors as much as possible; I find that the outdoors is really a calming place for me," Dr. Shand said. "Some people might enjoy reading a book or watching a tv show or doing things that they find is great... that's what we call coping skills or a coping mechanism."

If that's not your style, you could also try message therapy. 

"One of the main things that it can do is it will reduce the stress hormone cortisol, and it will boost endorphins and serotonin levels," said Deseree Van Wicklen. The massage therapist at Restorative Wellness in York County has been helping her clients relax for 23 years.  

"There's a body, mind and spirit connection with massage—so not only will you benefit with mental wellness, you're also getting physical benefits, and I think they both help each other the way they work hand in hand," Van Wicklen said. "I don't think I could do what I even do without receiving massage myself."

Baking, trying your hand at art or even just remembering to breathe can also help lower your stress to help ward off August anxiety. If you try some of these things and still can't get a grasp on your anxiety, Dr. Shand says don't hesitate to call your doctor.

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