LANCASTER, Pa. — Millersville University announced that masking has been made optional for students, staff, and faculty due to a significant drop in COVID-19 cases on campus.
In an email addressed to Millersville students, Dr. Daniel Wubah, the school's president, noted that Millersville currently has its lowest number of COVID cases since 2020.
According to the CDC, Lancaster County has seen nearly a 40% drop in COVID cases and hospital admissions are down almost 30% in the last seven days.
The email advised students that while masking is now optional, each individual should make their own decision on whether or not to mask up.
The email also stated that if students are asked to wear a mask in a private office, personal cubicle space, or residence suite, students should kindly respect these wishes.
Masks will still be required to be worn in the Health Services building and students involved in internships and clinical and school placements will need to abide by the guidelines of each facility.
Student athletes will continue to refer to NCAA guidelines.
"The COVID Monitoring Team will continue to monitor the data on our campus and in the community," the statement went on. "If there are significant spikes, the University may reimpose the mask mandate."
According to Millersville's COVID-19 dashboard last updated on Feb. 27, there are eight total active COVID cases at Millersville, seven of which are students who have tested positive and one faculty/staff member.