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A look at 3 health headlines this week | Health Smart

Here's a look at the top three health headlines from the week to keep you Health Smart.

YORK, Pa. —

Study says opposites don't attract

Opposites apparently don't attract in the dating world.  

University of Colorado researchers say after reviewing millions of couples over the past 100 years, there's "no compelling evidence" that opposites actually attract. Instead, similar people are more likely to gravitate towards each other.  

The report's author said she analyzed 130 personality traits like political allegiance, religious beliefs, education level and substance use and found that between 82% and 89% of the time, those traits tend to be exact.  

Researchers hope that people can use the study's data to understand more about themselves and who they're in a relationship with. 

Study shows meal time key to beating jet lag 

If you like traveling but don't love adjusting to different time zones, a new study says that a good breakfast might help.  

Scientists from Northwestern University and the Santa Fe Institute in New Mexico created a mathematical model to examine how our internal clocks react to jet lag. The study found that meal times can help with resetting the circadian rhythm, which naturally regulates the body's sleep cycle and hormonal activity.

The study found eating a large breakfast in the early morning hours of a new time zone can help fend off jet lag and help travelers get used  to their new destination. 

Study: Cancer in people under 50 surges 

A recent study analyzed data from 1990 and 2019 and found a 79% rise in new cancer cases in people under the age of 50. 

In addition to genetics, the findings stated that a "western diet," consisting of too much red meat and salt and, subsequently, not enough fruits and milk, could also be putting young people at risk. Alcohol intake and tobacco use were also highlighted as cancer risk factors, as well as lack of exercise, high body mass index and elevated blood sugar.

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