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Kung Fu and community in Carlisle Borough

Meditation, self-defense and traditional Kata are all wrapped up into one practice at The Carlisle Kung Fu Center!

CUMBERLAND COUNTY, Pa. — Combining the importance of community, mental health and Kung Fu, FOX43 gave The Carlisle Kung Fu Center in Cumberland County class a try. 

“What we do is teach quality professional martial arts lessons to children and adults,” said Liam Cochran, owner and head instructor of the center. 

Cochran is celebrating 22 years in the business after opening up in 2001. 

“I got into training martial arts when I was 14 and really took to it, really enjoyed it. Loved the process, loved the skill, loved the whole thing,” he explained.   

Through staying consistent and attending several weekly sessions, members of this Kung Fu community are able to thrive mentally and physically. 

Scott Disbrow has been training at the center for 15 years and says that his experience has been life-changing. 

“Physically, I mean that kind of speaks for itself. We are doing a lot with our body, all aspects of it. Core, arms, legs. When it comes to the mental aspects, I think that’s where most of the benefits come from, to be honest with you," Disbrow said.  

Those mental benefits Disbrow mentioned include building self-confidence, learning to keep composure and adapting during stressful situations. 

The structure of the class begins with a formal bow. From there, everyone joins in meditating for mental strength for about five minutes. Then the class works on the core for about 15 to 20 minutes. 

The rest of the session includes self-defense training, no-contact sparing, weapon use education and traditional form training which instructors refer to as Kata

“Life throws punches at you so [working out here] translates into that,” Disbrow said.  

The first class is more observational, so new students can get a feel for the rhythm and how it's taught. After that session, your first introduction class is free.

The Carlisle Kung Fu Center has a monthly rate that allows the participant to attend unlimited classes. To learn more about the center's offerings click here to head to their website.

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