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Working out during pregnancy | FitMinute

Not only is it okay to move through exercise while you are pregnant, but it's recommended! The JCC talks about each trimester in this week's FitMinute.

YORK COUNTY, Pa. — In this week's FOX43 FitMinute, we are taking it a little closer to home! As FOX43's Ally Debicki continues her pregnancy, Jen Winter, a fitness director of the York JCC and certified in the ACE Oh Baby! prenatal and postpartum fitness, thought it would be a great opportunity to talk about safety in the gym while you are in each trimester.

Winter says that it is completely okay to continue to work out while you are pregnant, especially if you are already accustomed to a specific movement or routine.

Important to note, that when you do find out you are pregnant, be sure to discuss your regimen with your physician and follow their guidelines. Generally speaking though, if you are not experiencing complications, Winter says doctors often times recommend consistent movement! 

Muscle groups to prioritize include the glutes, hamstrings, back, and inner core muscles. Winter says continuing to keep and/or build strength in these groups will help in labor, and can aid in a quicker recovery after the baby has arrived!

Make sure, though, whatever you choose to train, to keep track of the intensity of the workouts throughout the entirety of the pregnancy. Try using the talk test or keep track of your rate of perceived exertion. 

“You want to be able to have a conversation while you are working out.  If you cannot say three to five words or cannot hold somewhat of a conversation, that’s probably too intense of a workout,” Winter said.

Winter notes that it's important to think safely when engaging in fitness during the first and second trimesters.

“You want to make sure you are moving solid, [as] your balance is going to be a little off. Your body is producing the hormone relaxin and releasing it, so everything from your muscles to your tendons, and your ligaments, are being stretched and getting ready to hold the weight of the baby and you. So you want to make sure you're solid and balanced in your movement,” Winter explains.

Don't be afraid to modify exercises or daily functions to fit the body's needs. Examples of this would be with taking "lay down" core movements off the floor, modifying or changing the movements during group fitness classes or even laying on your side instead of your back while sleeping. 

The workouts may change as the pregnancy progresses too, and that's okay!

“[During] the third trimester you are going to feel more out of breath. You might have more sciatica pain and that’s natural, but maybe you modify your workouts. Aquatics workouts are really great for that third trimester,” Winter said. 

Going for short walks, or using a stability ball can also be great options the further into the pregnancy one is.  

Lastly, Winter reminds us that prioritizing mobility, and recovery during pregnancy can really aid soreness or pains that may pop up. 

“In regards to recovery, you want to make sure you are hydrating, eating, and taking care of yourself. You can also use a heating pad on a low setting, for all those aches and pains. And that stability ball is a great tool to help with the hips and inner core muscles as well,” Winter explained. 

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