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What happened in health news this week? | Health Smart

Here is a look at the top health headlines from the week.

YORK, Pa. —

Study: Watching too much TV could affect how you age 

Researchers say how much TV you watch affects how you age, and swapping the couch for physical activity can help move you in the right direction.  

The study published in "Jama Network Open" followed the activity levels of 45,000 people age 50 or older who did not have a chronic disease. It showed each additional two-hour period of sitting to watch TV resulted in a 12% decrease in the chances of aging in a healthy way, which is defined as no major chronic disease, no memory impairment and good physical and mental health.

Adding two hours of light physical activity at work resulted in a 6% increase in the possibility of healthy aging. Researchers say to add in movement whenever you can, like trading your desk at work for a standing desk or getting up every 30 minutes to walk around.

The CDC warns access to ADHD drugs may be disrupted again

The Centers For Disease Control and Prevention says access to ADHD medication for between 30,000 and 50,000 patients could  be disrupted.  

This comes after the arrests of two executives of a telehealth company that distributes the drugs. The CEO of Done Global was arrested on accusations of participating in a scheme to distribute Adderall online, conspiring to commit healthcare fraud and obstruction of justice. 

Study: America's diet slightly improves from F to D

A new study shows Americans have improved from an F grade to a D on their diets in the last 20 years.  

According to the Food is Medicine Institute at Tufts University, bad diets decreased from about 49% to 37% from 1999 to 2020. The study says we eat too much refined grains, ultra processed foods and processed meats.  

A good diet consists of fruits, vegetables, beans and grains and lots of water.  

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