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Unlock your inner strength at Title Boxing Club in Camp Hill

Become a part of the family, and tap into your inner strength through Title Boxing Club in Camp Hill's boxing classes!

CUMBERLAND COUNTY, Pa. — Camp Hill's Title Boxing Club boxing and training focuses on nutrition, cardio, and technique.

“I want to challenge my members. I want them to try and give it their all,” said Jocelyn Morgan, trainer and assistant general manager at the gym.

Participants of all skill levels come to the classes, not only to work the body but also their minds. 

Morgan says boxing is great for mental health and is one of the biggest reasons participants keep coming back. 

“It’s a great stress reliever, people come in and whatever they are dealing with that day they box it out on the bag and they feel so much better when they leave here. I've had numerous members say ‘I really needed this today,'” said Morgan. 

Boxing is a full-body workout, hitting a boxer's respiratory endurance and muscle strength. 

"Even though some days we isolate different parts of the body, your arms are going to get stronger, your legs are going to get stronger, your lungs will actually be able to withstand more breathing and it's different than just going to the gym and lifting weights,” said Morgan. 

If you are new to the gym or just boxing in general, all fitness levels are welcome to Title Boxing Club of Camp Hill. 

“You can have no knowledge of boxing at all or you can be a pro boxer. We welcome anybody," said Morgan. 

All new boxers are greeted at the door. Then trainers will help to wrap your hands and wrists ahead of the start time. Participants will get their names written on a hanging punching bag, and gloves will be provided as well. 

After they are all settled, the trainers will explain the different punches and defense moves and give a rundown of the class, then the games begin! 

“It's go at your own pace. It’s your workout, but in a group setting. If you feel like you need to take a break, you are more than welcome to step out grab a drink, take a break, and come back when you are ready to come back,” said Morgan.

“I have seen new members hit that bag hard. You don’t realize how much power you have until you can actually control it and know how to use it,” said Morgan.

Morgan says several of her clients notice the benefits of their classes even after only attending consistently for a few weeks. She says many notice that their lungs can handle longer periods of movement, seeing an improvement in overall cardio capacity.

The class fee includes your hanging bag and up to an hour-long boxing class. Title Boxing Club does ask you bring $10 dollars to purchase your arm wraps, but they do have gloves available to borrow for the first few classes.

It is recommended that you purchase your own gloves after a few sessions and Title Boxing Club Camp Hill can help fit your hands to pick the perfect pair. 

Participants also can bring water and a towel too, if needed. To take a look at the group class schedule or to connect with their team of trainers click here

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