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Secretary of Health reminds everyone about the importance of getting tested on World Hepatitis Day

The theme of this year’s World Hepatitis Day is "Hepatitis Can't Wait." There is no time better than the present to get tested and begin a treatment plan.

HARRISBURG, Pa. — Acting Secretary of Health and Pennsylvania Physician General Dr. Denise Johnson today reminded Pennsylvanians about the importance of getting tested for HIV and hepatitis.

Representatives from Hamilton Health Center joined health officials at an event in Harrisburg today where they provided free and confidential rapid hepatitis C testing, rapid HIV testing, administration of the hepatitis A and B vaccine for eligible persons and other educational materials relating to harm reduction and recovery services.

“It is important for us to highlight that HIV and viral hepatitis diseases are preventable,” Dr. Johnson said while at the community testing and vaccination event at Hamilton Health Center. “The Wolf Administration wants residents to feel empowered and not fear testing because unfortunately there may be Pennsylvanians living with Hepatitis who may be unaware of their infection. I encourage you to not let the unknown scare you and get tested today to know your status.”

The Center Disease Control (CDC) recommends that adults 18 and older should be tested for hepatitis C at least once in their lifetime. Hepatitis C screening is recommended for all pregnant people during each pregnancy; people with risk factors, including those who inject drugs, should be tested regularly.

"Whenever you can, go out and get tested for HIV or Hep C," Alexandria Gannett, director of HIV in reproductive health for Hamilton Health Center, said. "The CDC recommends that all adults do it at least once in their lifetime. If you have risk factors that include high-risk sexual activity, or if you are a person who injects drugs, it’s even more important to get tested on a regular basis."

To learn more about HIV and hepatitis, as well as prevention and treatment, visit www.Health.PA.gov.

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