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2020 'Click It or Ticket' enforcement begins today, runs through June 7

Buckle Up PA is coordinating mobilization efforts among more than 350 Pennsylvania municipal law enforcement agencies, with the goal of reducing unbuckled deaths
Credit: Crimewatch

HARRISBURG, Pa. — Buckle Up PA announced that the 2020 "Click It or Ticket" Municipal Enforcement Mobilization will be held from Monday through June 7.

More than 350 municipal law enforcement agencies across the state will participate, BUPA said.

This year's mobilization will include a combination of enforcement and public awareness, BUPA said.

"The data does not lie -- seat belts save lives," the agency said in a press release. "Still, many drivers and passengers risk injury and death every day by not buckling up. Proper use of a seat belt can reduce the risk of a fatal injury by 45 percent. 

'This is why Buckle Up PA wants you to know that wearing a seat belt can make the difference. Our goal is to save lives and reduce injuries by combining public awareness activities with targeted seat belt enforcement."

BUPA said this year's mobilization is intended to reduce the number of unbuckled deaths by taking the following steps:

1. Enforce Occupant Protection Laws
2. Educate Occupants
3. Increase Seat Belt and Child Safety Seat Use

BUPA is asking all law enforcement agencies to focus their time and resources in the areas where there is the best chance to increase seat belt use:

•   Nighttime Occupants
•   Occupants and Drivers between the age of 18-35
•   Pick-up Truck Drivers
•   Roadways experiencing the highest numbers of unbelted crashes/fatalities

BUPA said it believes that strong enforcement is the key to success in this “Click It or Ticket” Mobilization and that is why participating departments are being asked to enforce the Pennsylvania Traffic Laws. 

Traffic Enforcement Zone Details and Roving Patrols will be used to conduct seat belt enforcement, BUPA said. Law Enforcement Agencies will take a “Zero Tolerance” on all safety belt violations and conduct 50% of enforcement at night to persuade the remaining 12% of non-users to buckle up and increase seat belt use, according to BUPA.

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