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New bronze relief tables installed at Gettysburg National Military Park

The tables, which visitors are encouraged to touch and feel, feature braille and raised lettering and allow visitors to better understand the landscape of the battle
Credit: Gettysburg National Military Park
One of the new bronze relief tables installed on the Gettysburg Battlefield.

GETTYSBURG, Pa. — Gettysburg National Military Park announced the recent installation of two bronze relief tactile tables at key locations within the park. 

The new bronze relief tables depict three-dimensional landscape elevations of the battlefield, the park said in a press release. They will allow visitors to better understand the landscape across which the battle was fought and how terrain influenced the movements of the two armies at Gettysburg in July of 1863.

The tables, which visitors are encouraged to touch and feel, feature braille and raised lettering, making them the first such additions to Gettysburg National Military Park. 

A third bronze relief table will be installed soon, the park said.

“We hope these new additions to the battlefield landscape will make a visit to Gettysburg more accessible and meaningful for our visitors," said Steve Sims, Gettysburg National Military Park Superintendent. "We are excited for visitors to interact with them, and for Park Rangers and Licensed Battlefield Guides to utilize them in their programming."

The creation of the bronze relief tactile tables is part of a larger project to update interpretive signage throughout the battlefield park, which has been ongoing since 2019. 

Visitors can find the tables installed at the plaza at:

  • The Virginia Memorial – Auto Tour Stop 5
  • The National Cemetery Parking Lot – Auto Tour Stop 16
  • The Eternal Light Peace Memorial – Auto Tour Stop 2 (coming soon)

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