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Drug counselor at Adams County prison accused of smuggling drugs, contraband

Kody Fuller allegedly delivered a package of contraband to inmate Terrence Pearsall after receiving it from Pearsall's girlfriend, Greta Hashani, authorities say.

ADAMS COUNTY, Pa. — A former drug counselor at Adams County Prison and others have been charged with smuggling drugs and contraband into the prison, Adams County District Attorney Brian Sinnett said Thursday in a press release.

Kody Fuller, 25, of Thomasville, York County, has been charged by State Police with Delivery of a Controlled Substance, Introduction of Contraband, Criminal Conspiracy, and Criminal Use of a Communication Facility, Sinnett said.

Also charged with the same offenses are Terrence Pearsall, 24, and Greta Hashani, 24, both of Harrisburg. Pearsall is an inmate at the prison, Sinnett said.

They were charged after prison officials discovered the introduction of contraband and alerted State Police, who investigated.

"It is simply unconscionable that someone employed at the jail to counsel and rehabilitate inmates suffering from drug addictions and problems would take the outrageous step of illegally introducing controlled substances to a correctional facility," Sinnett said. "There is simply no tolerance for that behavior, and it will be dealt with to the fullest extent provided by law."

Fuller allegedly admitted to bringing suboxone and marijuana into the prison in April, according to the criminal complaint affidavit filed against him by State Police. He told police he met Hashani, who was Pearsall's girlfriend, at a hotel near York, where she gave him a package containing the drugs.

Prison surveillance video on April 13 allegedly shows Fuller handing the contraband to Pearson while the two were in a counseling session, police say.

Fuller said it was the only time he ever took drugs into the prison, police say. He admitted to accepting $200 as part of the transaction, police say.

Prison officials called State Police on April 24, after a search of a backpack Fuller was bringing into the prison uncovered a container of fake urine, handwarmers to keep the urine warm, and two pocket knives, according to police.

A search of Pearsall's cell on April 24 uncovered 13 strips of suspected suboxone located on Pearsall's person, police say.

Fuller allegedly told police that Pearsall discovered Fuller smoked marijuana, and threatened to alert prison authorities to have him drug tested if he did not agree to bring suboxone and marijuana into the prison for him, according to the complaint.

Hashani admitted to providing the package of contraband to Fuller for delivery to the prison, police say.

A search of text messages, letters and phone calls between Pearsall and Hashani uncovered messages involving drug activity and discussions of plans on how to deliver the contraband, according to police.

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