YORK COUNTY, Pa. — Central York High School students received hands-on lessons Thursday on how to stop bleeding in the case of extreme circumstances.
The program came about thanks to the dedication of one teacher, Rick Guinan.
Gunian has been certified as an athletic trainer and teacher at Central York High School for more than 15 years.
He made it his mission to teach his students ways how to apply sports medicine class to different aspects of the medical field.
"I just happened to stop in the local recruiting office in York one day last summer, [I] opened the door and talked to the gentleman and [said], 'Would anybody happen to be a medic here?'" said Gunian. "[It was] one day [they would] come in and do a little demonstration."
Sergeant Barnett utilizes the techniques in the program to teach multiple military medical techniques on how to stop bleeding.
“We have very specific hands-on time with [the students],” said Sergeant Barnett. "We go around the stations with each group and make sure they are applying these techniques to the standards that are expected. We preach to them: You need to practice how you actually do it because you are never going to know how actually do something or do it right if you don’t practice correctly.”
For the teachers, this is the perfect way to show students the opportunities the military can offer.
"We look at it as an opportunity for our students to be able to experience what is available to them in medical careers throughout the military," said Gunian.
The program has taken off with Barnett teaching at several other schools in the area and has even been asked to teach it to parents and teachers as well!