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Lancaster County man returns the favor after blood donation saves daughter's life

For one Lancaster County man, this act of giving has a deeply personal significance, as the donations from others played a vital role in saving his daughter's life.

YORK, Pa. — The American Red Cross has been facing challenges in restoring the nation's blood supply after severe storms led to a decrease in donations.

However, amid these difficulties, some residents have been stepping up to donate blood at every opportunity, highlighting the crucial nature of blood donation in saving lives. 

For one Lancaster County man, this act of giving has a deeply personal significance, as the donations from others played a vital role in saving his daughter's life.

"Since 2020, this is my ninth donation," said Jim Smith, a resident of Lancaster County.

Smith shared that that year marked a pivotal moment in his life, when his daughter faced critical medical challenges. During the delivery of twins, his daughter encountered complications, ultimately requiring surgery and experiencing significant blood loss.

Reflecting on the impact of blood donations, Smith expressed profound gratitude, explaining, "What we could’ve lost if she didn’t have the blood to save her life… we could’ve lost our daughter and our twin grandsons wouldn’t have had a mother."

Motivated by the lifesaving impact of blood donations, Smith has made it his mission to pay it forward. 

"It’s a good feeling, knowing that I could impact someone's life, it can give so much to someone who really needs it," said Smith. 

Additionally, Smith's connection with blood donation is evident from his active involvement in giving back to the community. He regularly participates in blood drives and recalls that it was at the Penn State York campus that he initiated his journey of donating blood after his daughter's pregnancy.

The American Red Cross offers donors the opportunity to track the destination of their blood donations, further reinforcing the direct impact of their generosity. 

To donate blood, find an appointment, and location near you, click here.

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