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Have the census completed by September 30 to make sure you're counted

The Department of Community and Economic Development wants to ensure all Pennsylvanians are counted for proper funding, representation in D.C. and more

As of Wednesday, there's just one week left until the deadline to make sure you're counted in the 2020 Census. If you haven't been visited by a Census worker or called, it takes just ten minutes to fill it out online.

The Pennsylvania Department of Community and Economic Development says it's not just necessary, it's your patriotic, civic duty.

RELATED: State leaders remind Pennsylvanians about 2020 Census response

"We want to not only bring back the funding from the federal government, but we want the same political representation in the U.S. Congress and the resources not only for today, but looking for the future in the next ten years," Norman Bristol Colon, Executive Director for the Governor's Census 2020 Complete Count Commission said.

The results of the census have bearing on a variety of important factors of every day life, including funding for schools, health care, government redistricting of house seats on both the state and federal level and more. It directly impacts every single Pennsylvanian.

But in 2020, it has been difficult to get out and contact everyone.

"In many places in urban Pennsylvania, like Philadelphia, the pandemic was the epicenter at some point. So it has been really difficult to go to those areas," Colon said.

But census workers have battled more than the pandemic. According to Pew Research, only 43% of Americans used social media in the last census back in 2010. Now, it's 72%, making 2020 the first census ever where a majority of the nation uses social media.

That's led to a larger battle against misinformation, both at home and abroad.

"Attacking the misinformation campaign with the truth data that the census provides has been a challenge," Colon said.

You can find more information about the census on pa.gov/census

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