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City of Lancaster looking for Penn Square 2024 Christmas tree

The City of Lancaster is asking the public to help find the city's Christmas tree that will be the centerpiece in Penn Square.
Credit: Matt Klinedinst

LANCASTER, Pa. — The City of Lancaster partnered with Lancaster's Economic Action for Downtown's Success (LEADS) for the 2024 holiday season, and the two are looking for a Christmas tree to display this winter.

The city is looking for property owners who have an appropriately shaped evergreen tree that is 25 feet or taller. The selected tree will be the centerpiece of Penn Square.

A jury of city staff and LEADS board members will select the tree. Once selected, it will be cut down by the city and transported and mounted in Penn Square right before Thanksgiving. 

The donor of the tree will be recognized in a press release and in the program of the Mayor's Tree Lighting on Nov. 29. 

Once the holiday season is over, the tree will be turned into mulch for city parks. 

Interested property owners should contact City Arborist, Rick Anderer, at (717) 291-4846 or randerer@cityoflancasterpa.gov, including their name, address, phone number, location of the tree and a photo.

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