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Lancaster based company gives old building new life and creates jobs

LANCASTER, Pa. -The Lancaster based business, TONO Group, is made up of TONO Architects, PROTO Construction and Interiors by DECO. The group just launched RETRO...

LANCASTER, Pa. -The Lancaster based business, TONO Group, is made up of TONO Architects, PROTO Construction and Interiors by DECO. The group just launched RETRO Development, an entity that invests in rehabilitating existing, neglected structures within Lancaster.

The group's first project was rehabilitating a grocery store built on James St. in 1944. The 12,000-square-foot space now includes their offices and the new Italian Restaurant, Luca.

"The intent is to build within an infrastructure that exists. I don`t just mean a physical infrastructure. I mean a cultural, historical infrastructure that exists," said D. Hunter Johnson AIA , TONO Group.

RETRO plans to complete a project each year in the Lancaster area.  Since they have expanded they have hired 17 new employees.

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