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Lawmakers considering bill that would ban gun targets in the shape of humans

A bill is in the works that would ban human silhouette targets at gun ranges throughout the state. It’s being pushed by Democratic State Representative Th...

A bill is in the works that would ban human silhouette targets at gun ranges throughout the state. It’s being pushed by Democratic State Representative Thaddeus Kirkland, who says the targets perpetuate violence.

“I think that Representative Kirkland is on the right course here,” said State Representative Ronald Waters, who is one of roughly ten lawmakers who have come out in support of the bill.

Republican State Representative Rick Saccone said shooting at a target that's not in the shape of a human could make you less prepared. "Taking away silhouette targets and using targets of turkeys or groundhogs or whatever... look, I'm a law abiding citizen. I don't expect to be attacked by a turkey in my bedroom, but I do expect that my attacker will most likely be a human being and when I practice, I practice against a human silhouette," said Saccone.

Waters argued that a traditional-looking target with various circles and a bulls-eye in the center can be more effective. "I think a target would probably be smaller with a bulls-eye than it would be with a head, so if you want to develop accuracy you could use a bulls-eye." said Waters.

Saccone doesn't agree. "I should be able to put up any target I want," he says. "It's none of the government's business what I shoot at on a private range. It's none of the government's business, and they shouldn't be involved in that." Saccone said he thinks the bill will be hard to pass, but Kirkland has said he plans to introduce it within the next few weeks.

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