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Police officials rally for use of radar technology

HARRISBURG, Pa — Pennsylvania is the only state in the country that does not allow local police officers to use radar guns to detect speeding on roadways,...

HARRISBURG, Pa -- Pennsylvania is the only state in the country that does not allow local police officers to use radar guns to detect speeding on roadways, that’s according to the Fraternal Order of Police.

Now, lawmakers are looking to change that.

Political leaders and law enforcement personnel met held a rally at the Capitol on Tuesday to get people behind radar technology.

There are two bills, one in the house and one in the senate, that would allow officers to use the technology.

Currently, the only way for local officers to monitor speed is to put cables on a portion of a road and time how fast a driver passes through them.

"It is in ineffective and that it can contribute to injuries, accidents and fatalities,” said Joe Regan with the Fraternal Order of Police.

Cops say the current method often leaves drivers questioning the accuracy of a speed reading and it’s hard for officers to back up their findings.

Regan said, "Regrettably, our ability to do so is limited due to the lack of technology that places our state last nationwide in terms of  speed enforcement."

So far, neither of those bills have gone to a vote.

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