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Cumberland County Eagle Scout honors veterans

Casey Essig, 15, of Cumberland County, was recently recognized for his work towards ensuring 178 veterans were "properly honored."

CUMBERLAND COUNTY, Pa. — A 15-year-old Cumberland County Eagle Scout was recognized by the Cumberland County Commissioners for ensuring that 178 veterans were honored with American flag holders.

Casey Essig, of Troop 170 of Mt. Holly Springs, and his Scout Master, placed a flag holder, flag, and flower at the grave of Civil War Veteran William Kennedy during a ceremony on Thursday.

Kennedy is among veterans who served in the War of 1812, Civil War, Korean War, Spanish American War, WWI, WWII and Vietnam. The veterans are among several thousand graves in the Mt. Holly Springs Cemetery dating back to the mid-1800s, according to a press release.

“Every Memorial Day, we would put flags on the veterans’ graves and we found that there were always extra flags due to missing holders,” said Essig via press release. 

“So, for my Eagle Scout project I researched the veterans’ graves, the war they fought in and their military service affiliation.”

According to a press release, only four percent of scouts in the Boy Scouts of America have received the rank of Eagle Scout since it’s the inception of the award in 1911. A scout is required to earn at least 21 merit badges and demonstrate scout spirit, as well as plan, organize, and lead and extensive service project to be promoted to Eagle Scout. 

However, Essig has earned 36 merit badges, going above and beyond with his service project.

 “Casey wrote and told us about his project, and to complete his work to garner the Eagle Scout status, the department donated the flag holders, flags and flowers to the soldiers,” said Veteran Affairs Director Danny Osten.  

“When we heard what Casey had done, we wanted to share his work with the residents and veterans of Cumberland County,” said Commissioner Gary Eichelberger. “This project took time and research, and the county is honored to have played a part in recognizing Casey’s success.”

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