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Cumberland County community comes together after quick and powerful storm rips through mobile home park

Tuesday night's storm destroyed some homes, while leaving others untouched.

CUMBERLAND COUNTY, Pa. — Sounds of chainsaws filled the Conodoguinet Mobile Estates in Lower Mifflin Township, Cumberland County on Wednesday. 

The community spent the day cleaning up after it was hit by a quick and powerful storm Tuesday evening.

“The way it happened was weird because there were no signs," said Sonja Chestnut. "There was no indication there was a storm coming.”

In a matter of minutes, straight-line winds, estimated to be upwards of 60 miles per hour, blew through.

“I’m just glad the Good Lord let me get by because I thought we were going to go for a ride," said Rick Dyarman. "It was that bad.”

Power was knocked out for several hours, but restored by late Tuesday night.

Multiple homes were destroyed, including one that was split in half by a large tree that uprooted and fell on top of it. Chestnut said thankfully her neighbor was safe.

“She was able to get out of the front of the house to the back of the house in time before it came through," said Chestnut.

Meanwhile, other homes were almost untouched.

George Mellinger has lived in the community for 14 years. The only damage to his home was a couple of pieces of siding which fell off.

“Just that quick it was here," he said. "I heard a rumble and it was over.”

But just as quickly, the community formed a human rainbow after the storm.

"Neighbors helping neighbors, and looking out for them and wanting to know if they can do anything," said Mellinger.

“It’s amazing, the people you don’t even know and to see the hearts they have," said Chestnut.

“We all kind of took care, helped each other," added Dyarman. "It’s good when a community pulls together like that.”

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