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Walking outside your comfort zone | On the Bright Side

A group in Dauphin County is encouraging women to walk outside their comfort zones.

HARRISBURG, Pa. — Step by step, these women are hitting the pavement in Harrisburg.

"As we're walking, we'll always have people kind of watching and turning their heads or they might even stop us and be like, 'hey, what's this all about?'" said Kristin Kellum, the co-founder of Harrisburg Babes Walking Group

Kellum started the group in 2023 as a way to empower local women and help them to connect. She's blown away by how it continues to grow.

"I think this group really helps bring women together who are just looking for a way to make new friends, and that's really what the goal is because it's hard, right? I mean, we no longer have school. We only know our coworkers," said Kellum. 

Like so many others, this was the case for Kerri Loy. She saw the group on Instagram and decided to give it a try. 

"I went by myself the first time, had no idea what I was getting myself into, but it was so fun, even with just like the small initial group of us," said Loy. "And it turned into something really awesome." 

She says walking with these fierce women has helped her build confidence and incredible friendships.

"Sometimes you can tell people come and it's really out of their comfort zone and they're shy. And then by the end of it, like, we're all talking, laughing, we're grabbing drinks at a restaurant, like we're planning where we're going next," said Loy. 

The women meet two or three times a month and log about three miles per walk.

Whether they're walking in a pack of six or 26 people, they say there's strength in numbers.

"When I first started walking this group, I was so hesitant to walk on my own, you know, because when you walk, you want to listen to podcasts. You want to listen to music, but you also need to be aware of your surroundings," said Loy. "So to be able to walk in such a large group of girls is great and I've never once felt concerned about my safety." 

Loy says that sense of comfort makes it easy to stay active, while continuing to build up this new sisterhood they've formed.

"Because we're all just talking and it's so fun, and I always feel so refreshed, I feel energized," said Loy. "It's just so great for my mental health, and I highly encourage people to get outside and do something like this with us."

Their next walk is this Friday, Sept. 6 at the South Hanover Township Building. They step off at 5:30 p.m. 

The group is also doing some upcoming events with the Harrisburg Gals Who Brunch, as a way to connect beyond the pavement. 

For more information, head here.

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