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One Central Pa. grocery chain aims to transform the agriculture industry by launching its own beef program

Karns Foods is the first grocery retailer in the country to produce, raise, and manage a private beef herd with the help of local farms.

CUMBERLAND COUNTY, Pa. — It’s a first-of-its-kind agribusiness model.

“This model has the potential to be the model that reshapes the agriculture industry,” said Larisa Miller, president and CEO of Keystone Farm Future.

The idea started a few years ago in Miller’s head. She says the COVID-19 pandemic only amplified the need.

“During COVID, when we saw a lack of meat supplies on our supermarket shelves it really showed that somewhere in the chain we had some major fractures,” said Miller.

Her dream has now become a reality.

Karns Foods has launched its own beef program, making it the first grocery store in the U.S. to completely control the beef supply chain, from farm to fork.

Karns has also received the first PA Preferred beef designation certification for a grocery chain from the Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture.

Keystone Farm Future will provide oversight and management for the program.

“It allows the supermarket to have a secure supply chain and surety of supply and allows everyone in that supply chain to know exactly what they’re making, how much is coming in and when it needs to be going out,” explained Miller.

“We work to bring in local products 365 days a year, so when this opportunity was presented to bring in local beef year-round, it was a natural fit for us,” added Andrea Karns, vice president of sales and marketing at Karns Foods.

The retailer has partnered with 15 Central Pennsylvania farmers who will receive and raise the cattle, including Lawrence Martin of Cumberland County.

Those involved say the model is transparent, as Karns knows the farmers its working with and customers know where their beef is coming from.

“They’re still going to get the same quality that they’ve come to know and expect but they’ll know it is from Pennsylvania farm,” said Karns.

The program allows Karns to sell USDA choice and prime beef with a Pennsylvania preferred designation year-round, while keeping consistent prices at a time when shoppers are seeing the cost of meat, much like everything else, skyrocket.

“You’re not going to see those big spikes that we saw throughout COVID when the prices would skyrocket,” said Karns. “It gives us consistent pricing throughout the year because we have a consistent supply chain.”

Karns says the program is also a win for farmers, as they will be given a more consistent idea of the profits they earn.

“By having these farms and supporting this program, we’re able to help ensure that farming will be part of our landscape for years to come,” said Karns.

Karns PA Preferred 100% Angus Choice and Prime beef will hit store shelves starting in May.

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