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Farmer's market kicks off for 85th year

It was a hot start for farmers as the Scranton Co-op Farmers Market officially kicked off 85 years of tradition.

SCRANTON, Pa. — It was a hot start for these farmers as the Scranton Co-op Farmers Market officially kicked off 85 years of tradition.

For the Hopkins family they've seen just about every kind of weather at the market over the past eight decades.

"There's been a Hopkins here in these three stalls for 84 years," said Owner Williams Hopkins.

The heat not stopping people from picking their peppers, plums, and peaches. 

Goods they look forward to year after year. 

"I'm here for Jim's corn; it's definitely the best. I'm here every year. I buy all my produce off of Jim," said Mike Gazella of Olyphant.

Some customers, like Nancy Bossy of Nicholson, have been coming for forty years. She has her shopping list ready to roll.

"Some red beets, probably a cabbage or two, pickles, potatoes. You never had a real potato until you had one that you actually pulled out of your garden. They are luscious," said Bossy.

With all those goods, she also has her usual recipes down pat. 

"I'll be in the kitchen- I'll be in the kitchen until at least Thursday, said Bossy.

Over the years, the family farms have been passed down from generation to generation. Hopkins says the farm is currently in its fifth generation, "I have a nine-year-old grandson- I'm usually in the packing shed at 5:30-6 o'clock in the morning. As soon as he sees me flip on the lights, he runs over, and he's right there with me," explained Hopkins.

The farmers have kept the market relatively the same.

"If we want to sell it here, we have to grow it ourselves. That's rare on farmers markets anymore. I don't know of any that are like that. That's been one of our rules since the beginning of this market and one that we stood by," said Hopkins. 

Sticking with tradition that keeps people coming back for 85 years.

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