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Law mandates bars close early on New Year's Eve

Some bars in Pennsylvania were mandated to close early on Sunday despite New Years Eve celebrations.

LANCASTER, Pa. — Breweries in Pennsylvania closed out tabs early on New Year's Eve due to state laws prohibiting some businesses from selling alcohol after a certain time, which caused some to lose revenue during the holiday hype.

The atmosphere inside was dark but people’s spirits were bright at The Coffin Bar in downtown Lancaster on Sunday.

But co-owner Scott Richardson wished customers could’ve celebrated a little longer.

“Part of the fun of New Year’s, I think, is probably hopping around bar to bar, we’re so fortunate to be in a really great spot in Lancaster, that there are a lot of really great bars to be at, and we’ll just be one that’s closed early,” Richardson said.

The coffin bar is a satellite location of Spring House Brewing Company based in Lancaster County.

The company operates with a brewery license, also known as a G-License, which limits how long a business can serve alcohol on Sundays.

“It’s not a full liquor license as you might enjoy it in other restaurants, so we do have limitations on our operating hours, which not only affects us on days like New Year's, or New Year's Eve, but also like the Super Bowl,” Richardson explained.

Other bars and restaurants with a GP or Restaurant License aren’t as limited and can continue to serve alcohol until 2 a.m.

“People will party, they’ll find their ways, they’ll find their opportunity to party on New Year's regardless, we just won’t be part of the party,” Richardson said.

The Coffin Bar could’ve stayed open for another hour if New Year's Eve had fallen on any other day.

“Undoubtedly, I think that we would have a stronger presence of people here if we were allowed to stay open past midnight,” Richardson added.

Business died for the coffin bar at 9 p.m. on Sunday night and will stay buried until January 3, when they reopen.

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