YORK, Pa. — Kayla Repasky of Gettysburg finished nursing school and never imagined in her wildest dreams her first job would be during a global pandemic.
She was quoted saying, "Growing up always wanting to help people and being fascinated by the medical field, becoming a nurse was a no brainer! I attended the University of Alabama’s Capstone College of Nursing. I graduated in December 2019 and moved to Nashville, TN where I accepted a nurse residency position in the Intensive Care Unit. I began my nursing career in the midst of the Coronavirus and learned a lot, being able to take care of patients critically ill with a respiratory illness no one knew anything about. Six months into my residency I found my way to a cardiac stepdown unit. I fell in love with the types of patients and the people on the unit. In January 2021, I began life as a travel nurse. My biggest take away from being a new nurse was that the best nurse never stops learning, admits when she doesn’t know the answer, and always asks the question. I am continuing to learn all that I can every single day! "
She spoke with FOX43's Amy Lutz about what she has seen and whether she had any reaction to the COVID-19 vaccine.
Watch as Kayla gets her vaccination while the cameras are rolling!
For more information about Kayla and her journey, check out her website here.
For more information about COVID-19: