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Newly elected York NAACP President says he will continue to fight for people of color

Richard Craighead was elected on January 23.

YORK COUNTY, Pa. — YORK COUNTY, Pa.- The new president of the Naacp York chapter Richard Craighead says he’s priority is to listen more to the community of color in York county.

“Ask them what they want from us—what that looks like. how can we better suit you—affect for positive change—what can we do?" said Craighead. 

Part of that includes connecting with local organizations.

“see how we can build and how we can better equalize things—equity through whatever that may look like---scholarships, just connection, just information, educational things—panels, discussions. whatever that looks like. that’s things that i want to do—to better enlighten the community of color," said Craighead.

Craighead has called York home for the last 30 years.

He says the biggest issue that he saw growing up in the city is the undertone of racism that shows up in microaggressions.

“It shows up at schools with just conversations and the way teachers treat you or don’t treat you. it shows up when you go to the store and you’re in line---and you hear the cashier say to the person hello, how you’re doing? good morning. and you get there and they say—your total is 5.96," he said. 

He hopes that during his time as president—he’s able to create a change that will positively impact the generations to come.

The ones his boys ages five and 12—will be part of.

“To hopefully grow up in a community—in an area in the city that they can see as a positive place to progress-- if they want to have a family, if they want to have a business, if they want to join an organization. build whatever that may look like," said Craighead. 

If you want to join York NAACP-- membership is $30/year for adults and $10/year for youth.

Here is the PayPal link: paypal.me/YorkNAACP2294

After paying the membership: 

Email your contact information to: yorknaacp2294@gmail.com 

Or mail your membership to: York NAACP at P.O Box 184, York, Pa 17405.

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