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New technology places police in real-life scenarios to train them how to make life or death decisions

Northern York County Regional Police Department invited FOX43 inside the training as officers stepped inside a virtual reality

Inside the Northern York County Regional Police Department Friday officers huddled around computers as others wore helmets with fake weapons strapped to their hips. 

The department has just acquired new training technology that will put all of its 62 officers as well as any new hires to the test.

The goal is to teach officers how to react to real-life scenarios before they have to make split second decisions in communities. A completely immersive 3D experience places officers in the line of fire of active shooters and on the defense of combative individuals. The technology also teaches officers how to de-escalate confrontations and make smarter decisions about their surroundings and the people in which they are interacting.

The officers can choose their adventure with the WRAP Reality technology with the ability to manipulate simulations based on officers commands and conversation. The outcomes can also be changed so that officers face different scenarios every time. The simulation training can also place them into interactions with people living with mental illness and those who are intoxicated.

Following the exercises, the officers can then watch their own actions back in real time and walk around the exercise to learn how to react better and uncover situations in which they may have missed.

Northern York County Regional Police credits the community with allowing them to purchase the 360-degree technology, telling FOX43 donations funding around 90% of the cost. The chief plans to have all 62 of his officers undergo the simulations as ongoing training as well as new hires.

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