NEW BLOOMFIELD, Pa. — Hey, when you're in the middle of the kind of heat wave that has plagued Central Pennsylvania for the last few days, it's hard to blame you if you want to cool off.
Even if you're a sheep.
Swimmers at the Bloomfield Centre Carroll Pool in New Bloomfield, Perry County got big surprise on Thursday when a runaway female burqas sheep made its way through the public pool's entrance and leaped into the deep end, prompting a quick-thinking lifeguard to dive in and stage a rescue.
The drama was documented on the pool's Facebook page, where lifeguard Dom Beddia captured the rescue on video.
"Sheep day at the pool!" the post reads. "We had a loose sheep come through the gate, run around the grass and jump in the pool at the 12 foot depth."
Lifeguards Krista Wills and Cassidy Grove assisted in getting the sheep out of the water, and staffers at the pool tied the wayward sheep in the shade -- with plenty of cool water -- before a safe farm facility came to take the sheep, dubbed Mary by the staff, to a safe location while her owner was found.