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PA Human Relations Commission joins others in condemning Harrisburg neo-Nazi rally

PHRC executive director Chad Dion Lassiter called the march 'an act of hate and cowardice' in a statement issued this week.

HARRISBURG, Pa. — Note: The video is from Aug. 25.

The Pennsylvania Human Relations Commission joined Harrisburg city leaders and the Jewish Federation of Greater Harrisburg in condemning a neo-Nazi demonstration that took place in the city last weekend.

In a statement issued Friday, the PHRC said it strongly condemns the messages of antisemitism and hatred that were shared during a downtown march last Saturday.

“What we saw on display in Harrisburg was an act of hate and cowardice," said PHRC Executive Director Chad Dion Lassiter. "Roughly two dozen people covered their faces as they marched downtown spewing hateful rhetoric. Antisemitism and hate have no place in our Commonwealth or our country. 

“We cannot let hate poison our communities. I was pleased to see the community come together to reject their message and hold an anti-hate rally at the Capitol on Sunday. The PHRC works with civic and activist organizations to explain the protections currently available to people who may be fearful of coming forward after experiencing hate.”

After last Saturday's march, several concerned citizens gathered on the State Capitol steps for an anti-hate rally in response a day later.

“There is no place for hate in Pennsylvania," said PHRC Civil Rights Outreach Coordinator Supervisor Sheryl Meck.“The vile demonstration we witnessed on Saturday does not reflect the true community of Harrisburg. The PHRC is committed to working with community organizations and members to spread a message of peace and unity. Together, we can show the cowards who marched with neo-Nazi flags that they are the minority and do not speak for the majority of Pennsylvanians.”

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