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Yorkville Block Party kicks off

Folks filled the streets of Pottsville Tuesday night for an annual tradition.

POTTSVILLE, Pa. — For 96 years, the Pottsville Fire Department has held its annual Yorkville Block Party fundraiser, drawing in people from all over Schuylkill County.

 The goal is to get the volunteer fire department the resources they need to stay afloat. 

"This is our main source of income as our fundraiser, so certainly that's the main reason that we drive it, but then the second thing you can look around and see is that it's a great community event," said Chuck Bauers, Pottsville Fire Department Assistant Fire Chief.

Some people have been showing their support for close to six decades.

"Being handicapped now, I don't get out that much, so it's good to get out that I can just walk around and see everybody and just enjoy the food," said Dottie Thomas, Pottsville.

"Bleenies are good. I come for the food, bean soup, night out for the wife and I instead of being home and to see a lot of people we only see once or twice a year," said Joe Gavalis, Pottsville.

Others came hungry, with many lining up to try the coveted bleenies, a staple at the block party.  

It's a potato pancake mixed with egg and onions.

Mare Honholt tried it for the first time tonight.

"I love potatoes, and these are really good, little on the greasy side, so you wanna have a napkin to wipe your hands, but oh boy, they're good; it was worth the wait.">

The Yorkville Block Party always takes place on the second Tuesday of every August, and of course, bleenies are always on the menu.

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