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State Education Committees hold hearing on safely reopening schools

DOH Sec. Dr. Rachel Levine and Dept. of Ed. Sec. Pedro Rivera were questioned on their guidance

HARRISBURG, Pa. — The state House and Senate Education Committees held a joint hearing on safely reopening schools. Department of Health Secretary Dr. Rachel Levine and Department of Education Secretary Pedro Rivera testified at the hearing. 

They were asked a number of questions regarding school openings. Lawmakers wanted answers about the recommendations made to school districts to determine their education model this fall including, online only, hybrid, or in-person instruction. Lawmakers wanted to know just how effective these guidelines will be against stopping the spread of COVID-19. 

"What we have seen from other states is if students do not wear masks, if students do not social distance, and if students do not wash their hands and use hand sanitizer and if the recommendations we put out are not followed then we will see more of a spread of COVID-19," said Dr. Levine. 

Lawmakers then questioned if children will be safer at school despite the pandemic, citing concerns of mental health, child abuse, lack of care and consistent meals if kids aren't physically back in their classrooms. 

"It is much better for them to be in school," said Dr. Levine. "However, if they are in a county with transmission it is not safe."

Dr. Levine stressed the recommendations are just that and they will not be mandates. She said local school boards and superintendents will remain in control of the decision made for their districts. 

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