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Summer safety tips from York County's Search 93

As the weather heats up, more people are hitting the hiking and biking trails, fishing creeks and parks for summer outdoor activities.

YORK COUNTY, Pa. — As the weather heats up, more people are hitting the hiking and biking trails, fishing creeks and parks for summer outdoor activities. However, more people out in nature also leads to more emergency calls for rescue when someone doesn’t come home on time.

South Central PA Search and Rescue, also known as Search 93, responded to 27 calls for rescue and five standbys in 2022. This year is already seeing an uptick, with 17 calls for rescues so far.

On Tuesday, Search 93 first responders offered some tips to stay safe in the outdoors.

Whether you’re hiking, biking, fishing or camping, be sure to pack for the unexpected.

“Make sure you got water with you. Bring trail mix or a snack bar with you,” said Search 93 Chief Kurtin Timmer. “If you’re going to use your cell phone for navigation purposes, make sure you bring a battery source.”

Timmer also suggested packing a poncho and turning off your phone if not using it for navigation to save battery.

Timmer said to text a friend or family member your trip itinerary, with details like your location, a photo of your parked vehicle with the license plate visible, what time you’re expecting to be home, and what medications you take.

If someone doesn’t come home on time, first responders urged loved ones to call for help as soon as possible. There is no need to wait 24 hours to report a missing person in this situation, they said.

That advice may have saved the life of one elderly man who was hiking alone in Gifford Pinchot State Park last April when he fell and hit his head. When the sun set and the park closed but the man had not returned, his family called 911.

“We did have to search for a couple of hours and got him the medical care he needed. He spent a little bit of time in the hospital but he’s still out hiking today,” said Search 93 Deputy Chief Dan Koprowski.

Search 93 has many tools at its disposal to find people reported missing outside, including search dogs and a drone. The all-volunteer team said they would be out all summer to ensure everyone has a safe summer.

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