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'It's not comfortable:' Central Pa. workers brave extreme heat as officials emphasize safety

A heat advisory will be in effect through Friday with heat indexes toping 100 degrees Fahrenheit.

DAUPHIN COUNTY, Pa. — A heat advisory will be in effect in South Central Pennsylvania through Friday with heat indexes expected to top 100 degrees, leaving workers outside to seek a way to beat the heat.

The U.S. Occupational Safety and Health Administration is emphasizing worker safety during the heatwave and is looking to ensure that employers provide the proper rest and hydration to their outdoor employees.

"We're stressing three critical factors: Water, rest and shade," said Kevin Chambers, the Director of OSHA's Harrisburg office. "And not just shade, but an actual place that a person would be able to cool off, be able to drink water and actually allow their body to recuperate a little bit before returning back."

Local outdoor-based businesses such as Strite's Orchard in Lower Swatara Township are taking precautions to make sure workers can make it through the day.

"It's not comfortable, but we're used to it," said co-owner Matt Strite. " I make sure everybody has water when they go out. Drink a lot of water, drink a lot of Gatorade, take breaks in the shade whenever we feel tired or hot."

OSHA is promoting its heat safety phone app for workers to see what the heat index is in their location at any given time. The app also gives recommendations specific to heat index-associated risk levels and features an hourly forecast of heat index values and risk levels.

Heat indexes are expected to surpass 100 degrees every day through at least Sunday, with chances of only pockets of rain.

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