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Companies provide updates on firefighters injured in crash on way to York warehouse fire

Seven firefighters were injured when two tanker trucks collided on Mount rose Avenue in York Friday night
Credit: Scanner02 Fire Photography
Seven firefighters were injured in a tanker truck crash Friday night

YORK COUNTY, Pa. — Two fire trucks crashed on the way to battle the massive warehouse fire in York City last night. It happened on Mount Rose Avenue in Spring Garden Township around 11 p.m. The tankers were from Laurel Fire Company #1 in Windsor and York New Salem Volunteer Fire Company. Seven firefighters from those vehicles suffered varying injuries. 

Both companies have posted updates on their Facebook pages:

From the Office of the Fire Chief David E. Rittenhouse

Press Release:

On Friday July 12, 2024, while operating as a part of a Tanker Task Force at a 6 Alarm fire in the City of York, our Tanker was involved in a motor vehicle accident along with Tanker 8 of the Community Fire Company # 1 - York New Salem.  This accident occurred at the intersection of Hill Street and Mount Rose Avenue in Spring Garden Township.

Tanker 37 was staffed with a total of two personnel.  Both Firefighters were transported to Wellspan York Hospital for evaluation of injuries.  

As of 1:00am, both firefighters have been discharged and are at home with their families.  

These are difficult times and I appreciate the many phone calls and text messages I received from various individuals.  

During this event, our station was placed out of service.  Thank you additionally to Alliance Fire and Rescue Services, Inc. for covering our station, while crews attended to various aspects of this accident.  As of approximately 1:00am, the Laurel Fire Company # 1 was placed back in service

Our thoughts and prayers go out to the injured Firefighters and membership of Community Fire Company # 1 York New Salem.

There will be no further comment at this time.

Friends of York New Salem Volunteer Fire Company

As most of you have heard by now. One of our Fire Trucks was involved in a serous accident last night with another fire companies fire truck responding to the Big Fire in York. At this time we have 5 members of our fire station that we're involved with different levels of injuries. Some minor bumps and bruises to some being a little more serious. None of the injuries are life threatening. It's been a very long night. At this point all we know is there was an accident involving a couple pieces of fire apparatus. We are asking everyone to please keep all involved from our station and the 2 members of the Laurel Fire 

Co. in your thoughts and prayers. 

Thanks George

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