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Hanover implements mandatory water conservation

The Borough of Hanover announced mandatory water conservation measures that require all residents to stop any non-essential water use until the order is lifted.
(AP Photo/Gregory Bull)

HANOVER, Pa. — Residents in the Borough of Hanover must stop all non-essential use of water, officials announced on Monday.

The water conservation measure is based on the combination of several months’ unusually low rainfall and a standing Department of Environmental Protection release-requirement which maintains wildlife resources. The Borough is also in the process of filling the Sheppard-Myers reservoir which was drained to complete a required Pennsylvania DEP renovation project.

Hanover officials had previously suspended bulk water sales and asked all water customers to voluntarily conserve water in September. The mandatory conservation is the next step in maintaining water resources.

Borough staff will track whether the mandatory conservation measure helps reduce usage by monitoring water use on a daily basis, tracking how much is put into the system and how much is consumed (or lost).

Essential use includes:

  • Cooking
  • Drinking
  • Bathing
  • Flushing toilets

Non-essential use is defined as:

  • Watering gardens, lawns, flowers and golf courses
  • Washing automobiles, trucks, trailers, vehicles, outdoor structures, streets, sidewalks, driveways, etc.
    • Commercial car washes are allowed to remain open if it can prove that it recycles the water used in its operation. Washing vehicles at home is prohibited.
  • Operating fountains
  • Filling pools or spas
  • Operating water-cooled AC which does not have built in water conservation
  • Using water from hydrants for construction purposes
  • Flushing systems
  • Usage by commercial farms or nurseries other than the bare minimum to preserve stock

Failure to abide by water conservation measures could result in fines, legal action, and potential water shut-off, the Borough said. Municipal staff will monitor and report any observed violations, and the Borough will also welcome public reporting.

Violations of the mandate will result in a warning, and if a violation is repeated, a formal notice of violation and penalties will be served. A third incident could result in termination or restriction of water service, Borough officials said. Enforcement will be a joint effort between the local police department having jurisdiction and the Borough of Hanover through its Code Enforcement division as applicable.

Hanover officials remind residents that the participation of every community member counts toward wise use of water resources.

When restrictions are lifted, Borough staff will notify all customers that conditions have improved and that water conservation measures are no longer needed. Notice will be provided on all Borough media (website, social media, automated alerts, etc.). The Borough of Hanover water utility must ensure water is available to fight fires and meet other critical needs. Questions can be directed to the Borough of Hanover Department of Water Resources at 717-637-3877 x 3006.

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