WEST YORK, Pa. — West York Mayor Bruce Vick has declared a State of Emergency in the borough, effective at noon Thursday, according to West York Borough Police.
The State of Emergency was put in place because of the increased number of diagnosed COVID-19 cases in Pennsylvania and the Mid-Atlantic region.
During this period, the West York Borough Hall will be closed to all public traffic during business hours, as well as all public and charitable events that generally take place in the Borough facility.
West York has also implemented an Emergency Operations protocol, and will be providing updates to residents as alternate systems for Borough business evolve.
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For now, all payments of utility bills, permit fees, etc. will be handled through the secured drop box in front of borough hall or by the US Postal Service, and online payments can be made at westyorkpa.gov.
All communications & questions for the Borough Administration should take place via phone, email, or the West York Borough Facebook page.
The borough is developing a system for public meetings, which would allow for residents to call in or submit questions in advance for public comment, as well as live stream the meetings to the public.
The measures have been put in place in an effort to curb or diminish the possible spread of the COVID-19 virus in the West York area.
At the present time, there are no diagnosed cases within the West York borough or York County, officials say.