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Counties ready polls, as officials push voters who still have mail-in ballots to submit them in person

With the clock ticking towards election day, counties are pushing to make sure every vote gets in

This weekend, campaigns are canvassing neighborhoods to secure those last-minute voters. 

But, for election officials, they're working to ready the polls as they also remind anyone who still has their mail-in ballots to turn them in, in person. 

Find your county's mail-in ballot drop off box here.

PA Secretary of State Kathy Boockvar warned voters Friday it is too late at this point to try to mail those mail-in ballots. She said, to guarantee votes count people need to drop them off in person at their county's drop-off location.

RELATED: Haven't mailed your mail-in ballot yet? At this point, better deliver it in person

"Get your ballots in. Get your ballots in. Get your ballots in," she said. "And, do not put them in the mail. Drop them off in person." 

Several county leaders have echoed Boockvar's warning. The United States Post Office has repeatedly recommended that voters put their mail-in ballots in the mail at least one week before their state's deadline. In Pennsylvania, mail-in ballots must be postmarked by November 3 and be received by November 6. But, Boockvar has also warned voters to get their ballots in by 8 p.m. on election night to guarantee their vote will count and not be subject to any possible legal challenges that follow the results. 

On Saturday, York County officials were working around the clock to collect more mail-in ballots and organize the ballots that continue to arrive by mail. York County plans to also collect mail-in ballots curbside on Sunday. Drop-off boxes will be positioned across counties through the end of election day.

"For anyone that still has a mail-in ballot, please drop that off in person," said Wheeler.

President Commissioner Julie Wheeler said Saturday was all about "mail. It's also about answering phones and lots of filing to do, and lots of checks and balances happening between now and Tuesday. And, we'll be here Sunday."

Wheeler said York County is also preparing its polls. She said voting machines have already been stored in secure areas at the polling locations. She said personal protective equipment kits have also been delivered to the polls to prevent the spread of COVID-19.

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