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Lawmakers push to pass CROWN Act in Pennsylvania

State lawmakers are pushing for the Pennsylvania Senate to pass House Bill 1394 which would amend the Pennsylvania Human Relations Act.

HARRISBURG, Pa. — Pass the crown - That’s the message state representative Latasha Mayes, and many others, have for the Pennsylvania Senate on House Bill 1394.

Also known as the CROWN Act, the bill passed the State House in July 2023 with bipartisan support, though it has remained in limbo in the Senate since.

“Race-based hair discrimination is one of the most, maybe not well understood, but very pervasive issues that black Pennsylvanians face on the job, at school and in a public setting,” Mayes expressed.

Joining Mayes at the Capitol on Tuesday was Democratic Speaker of the House Joanna McClinton, co-sponsor of the bill.

If passed by the Senate, the bill would prohibit discrimination based on hair texture and style.

“This isn’t a Philadelphia issue, this isn’t a Harrisburg city issue, this isn’t Pittsburgh issue, this is a people of Pennsylvania issue,” McClinton said.

Advocates from the Pennsylvania CROWN Act Coalition were also present during Tuesday’s conference.

Many carried signs with the coalition’s acronym, Creating a Respectful and Open World for Natural hair.

Also, at the conference were Darin and Julia Smith, whose daughter had 20 inches of her hair cut by a teacher in 2023.

“We don’t ever want to see this happen to another black or brown child and that is why we need the CROWN Act passed in Pennsylvania,” Julia Smith said.

Philadelphia and Pittsburgh are already practicing their own version of the CROWN Act, making Mayes optimistic the bill will be passed into law.

“So many people need the coverage and protection of the CROWN Act, thankfully for the Pennsylvania Human Relations Commission there are some regulations, but they are not the law,” Mayes said.

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