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First responders get federal funding for new facility

Here is what's in store for the new space.

JERSEY SHORE, Pa. — The Citizens Hose Company, emergency services, and the Lycoming County Regional Police are outgrowing their current buildings. First responders say they need more room for equipment and offices. Soon, they will be moving on to a bigger and better space together.

"We started meeting around February of like 2021 as a group, and we've been working pretty diligently trying to get funding; we really don't want to raise taxes if possible, so we're reaching out for different grant opportunities, reaching out for different community organizations to try and help fund this project," said EMS Chief Casey Lowmiller, Citizens Hose Company. 

So far, officials have secured $7 million for the construction of the Jersey Shore Municipal Building and garage, including one $1 million in federal funding announced Thursday. The fire company and police department hope to complete the $11 to $12 million project in phases.

"Phase one would be the new public works garage that's pretty close to being funded, phase two would be doing the site work here and getting this all prepped, and then phase three would actually be the construction of the whole building," said Lowmiller. 

First responders say the new building will give them the space they need to carry out their work properly. Jersey Shore Borough employees will also join the police and fire companies in the new building. 

"One of the big things is all these agencies are starting to work together probably more now than what we've ever have, so we need to be under the same roof so we can communicate and contact them," said Chief Nathan DeRemer, Lycoming Regional Police Department.

"Fire trucks are getting bigger, the ambulances are getting bigger, the amount of equipment that we have to carry is more so we're running out of space pretty quickly," said Lowmiller. 

First responders hope to start construction on the new public safety building next year. 

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