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Millersville University trumpet soloist hits all the right notes across major league crowds

Millersville University graduate John Maurer has performed at Camden Yards, Citizens Bank Park and Yankee Stadium.

BALTIMORE — John Maurer is used to performing at a high level in front of big sports crowds.

His talents are in demand... not to play in the game but before the game. 

Maurer is an acclaimed trumpet soloist who performed the National Anthem before the Orioles game at Camden Yards on Tuesday night. He graduated from Millersville’s Tell School of Music in 2012, then went on to earn his master's in trumpet performance at Penn State.  

Maurer couldn’t pass up the opportunity to charm the fans in Charm City.

“It’s really only been these past two years that I branched out and wanted to spread my wings a little bit,” explained Maurer. “I really enjoy performing in these huge sports arenas, connecting and kind of paying my respect to the country first and foremost with the National Anthem or God Bless America.”

Ironically, when it comes to accomplishments, John doesn’t like to toot his own horn.  

After his performance at Camden Yards, he’s now completed a dream trifecta of ballparks that includes Citizens Bank Park and Yankee Stadium.

“It’s been surreal really,” smiled Maurer. “I don’t take it for granted at all. I grew up in the suburbs of Philly and now here I am playing in front of crowds that are around 45,000 people, it’s incredible.”

John is a music educator and freelance musician who now lives in northeastern Pennsylvania.  While his recent performances have hit all of the right notes, he’s eager to add other sports to his soloist resume.

“I would love to play for the NBA or the NFL, that’s the dream. The dream is to play for an NFL team, to get that call. Right now, I’m looking over at the Ravens stadium, maybe they will be the next ones, the NFL is the big one for me.”

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