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Dover Eagles embrace guardian cap-era, protecting football players at practice

The Eagles are in the second season using the protective helmet gear seeing a decrease in head and neck injuries

DOVER, Pa. — A large group of football teams on any level around the world now use protective shells on their helmets known as guardian caps. 

The Dover Eagles high school football team is one of them that embraces the new safety mechanism, expanding the number to even more players in the second year.

"It takes the impact off of them, especially our lineman," said head coach Wayne Snelbaker. "Now we just expanded that a little more to our running backs and receivers."

The Pennsylvania Interscholastic Athletic Association allowed high school football players to use the caps in the games, should they choose. Some studies have shown that the caps can reduce impact by up to 33%, and the Eagles have seen their complaints decrease as well. 

"We have seen a smaller decrease in complaints of heads being banged," said head athletic trainer David App. "Neck pain is down too and it's a way to keep safe and involved."

The caps have been around now for the last few years. Dover keeps the protective service handy at all times while practicing the fundamentals of the game.

"We have seen how our helmets are just in a lot better shape as well," said Snelbaker "It's helping us out and really protecting everything at one time.

While no players on the Eagles currently choose to wear them in the game, the option is available should any high school football player in Pennsylvania choose.

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