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Spotlight: 100 holes "Fore" Kids' Sake

Joe Holston tees it high for Big Brothers, Big Sisters

GRANTVILLE, Pa. — Playing golf for charity is not a new concept. 

Playing 100 holes of golf in a day for your favorite charity definitely goes above and beyond. 

Joe Holston is a board member for Capital Area Big Brothers, Big Sisters and he would do anything to help them. With fundraising being an issue during the coronavirus pandemic, Joe thought why not raise money by playing golf.

He did and he played a lot. He also raised a lot of money for his favorite organization. So far the total is over $15,000 and that is expected to go up.

Check out the story in the video link above to get a feel for what it is like to be on the course playing a hole every five minutes and doing that for over seven hours. 

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