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The second full moon of August is a Super Blue Moon, what that means and what to expect

According to Space.com, the moon will be at its closest point in its orbit relative to Earth at 221,942 miles away, making it a supermoon.

PENNSYLVANIA, USA — Wednesday, Aug. 30 will be the second full moon of August, but this one is going to be closer and brighter than a typical full moon.

Tonight's moon has been branded a Super Blue Moon and will be the biggest full moon of 2023. 

According to Space.com, the moon will be at its closest point in its orbit relative to Earth at 221,942 miles away, making it a supermoon. 

Additionally, this particular full moon will be the second to occur in August, making it a Blue Moon. 

However, it's a slightly misleading title because the moon will appear as its normal yellow-white self. 

According to Smithsonian Magazine, in the early 1900s, the term "blue moon" was used in Farmers' Almanacs to refer to a related phenomenon- when four full moons happened within a given season, instead of the typical three. Back then, the third full moon was known as "blue." 

However, in 1946, an amateur astronomer incorrectly interpreted the term in an article he wrote, using it in the context we know today. The mistake was then repeated several times and eventually, the new definition stuck. 

A "blue moon" isn't the only colorful name for a moon that isn't any different than its usual yellowish hue. When a second new moon occurs within the same month, it's sometimes referred to as a black moon. Interestingly enough, any full moon during the month of April is sometimes known as a pink moon!

If you happen to look up Wednesday night and snag any pictures of the moon, we'd love to see them and share them online! You can share your photos with us via the "Near Me" feature in the FOX43 app. 

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