LANCASTER, Pa. — Two local organizations have joined together to help the Conestoga River.
The Lower Susquehanna River-Keeper Association and The Conestoga River Club want to stabilize stream banks, reduce erosion and improve habitats and water quality by removing invasive species and planting trees along the riverbank to prevent erosion.
Leaders from the organizations say improving the health of the Conestoga River will improve other waterways.
"Lancaster County has the dubious distinction being the leading cause of contamination to the Susquehanna and the Chesapeake with our agricultural and industrial runoff so elevating the profile of the river," said Todd Roy, President of the Conestoga River Club.
Roy continued, saying the best way to make a change is with the help of concerned citizens.
"The needs of the river, getting people invested in the river goes a really long way towards the solution," Roy said.
The project is being funded with grants from the Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission and the Lancaster Conservatory.