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Yardroid: The all-in-one robot that will take care of your outdoor chores for you

This invention is the next stage in the robotics revolution.

Robotic lawn mowers are nothing new, they’ve been around for nearly 2 decades, but how about a robot that can remove snow from your driveway?

Here is where the Yardroid comes in.

Credit: Yardroid

“The goal is to free people of most of the annoying routine work that’s required to keep a lawn clean and green, and snow out of the way and so on," explains Dan Lubrich, Co-founder and CEO of the company.

The Yardroid is capable of mowing and watering your lawn, killing weeds and pests, leaf blowing, and even snow plowing. 

Lubrich explains, “The heart of the robot is the computer vision and intelligence which enables it to find its way around and recognize obstacles, plants, walkways, people and so on.”

This inventor is taking the technology in a robotic lawnmower one step further.

Yardroid, the nearly 20-pound robot, is going to take care of the snow on your property for you. 

“So, as long as the snow comes in moderate amounts over time, it can keep up with it. I would say maybe like an inch over an hour, that’s okay," Lubrich says.

Through its interactions with the user, it learns more and more about its surrounding environment. 

The Yardroid is currently fully functioning in its prototype form, but designers are still feeding more knowledge into the robot.

“It’s sort of getting more data to feed the artificial intelligence algorithms so that it gets smarter, and it has more data to compare objects that it sees to," Lubrich explains.

The Yardroid is expected to officially launch later this year, to be available for snow plowing next winter.

To read more about the Yardoird click here.

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