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PennDOT announce plan for online display of Center Square Road superstructure replacement project in Perry Township

The project is expected to take place during the 2022 construction season.

PERRY COUNTY, Pa. — The Pennsylvania Department of Transportation announced an online plan display for the Center Square Road (Route 3001) superstructure replacement project over Sherman Creek in Toboyne Township.

The purpose of the project is to address the structural deficiencies of the bridge built in 1959, to provide safe and efficient access on Route 3001 over Sherman Creek, officials say.

Plans include replacing concrete beams and deck, repairing abutments, placing rock scour protection at the abutments, reconstructing the pavement along the roadway tie-ins of the new bridge and replacing the guide rail.

The bridge will be maintained at its current width and will include two 11-foot lanes, a 3-foot left shoulder and a 5-foot right shoulder, according to PennDOT.

The project is expected to take place in 2022.

In accordance with Governor Wolf's COVID-19 mitigation efforts, in plans display will be held online only. A digital version of the information will be available to view online for the next 30 days.

Information, including roadway and bridge plans and an interactive comment form, can be found by visiting the PennDOT District 8 website, www.penndot.gov/District8, clicking on Public Meetings listed under the Resources heading, and choosing the Perry County box then the tile marked Center Square Road Over Shermans Creek.

The purpose of the plans display is to introduce the project and receive public input regarding any questions or concerns with the project. It is also an opportunity for the public to review and comment on the project’s potential effect upon Cultural Resources pursuant to the Advisory Council on Historic Preservation’s 36 CFR Part 800 regulations implementing Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act.

The project documents can be made available in alternative languages or formats if requested. If you need translation/interpretation services or have special needs or have special concerns that require individual attention, please contact David Fratangeli, Project Manager, at (717) 705-6176 or email at dfratangel@pa.gov.
Pursuant to Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, PennDOT does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, gender, age, or disability. If you feel that you have been denied the benefits of or participation in a PennDOT program or activity, you may contact the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation, Bureau of Equal Opportunity, DBE/Title VI Division at 717-787-5891 or 800-468-4201.

For more information on projects occurring or being bid this year, those made possible by or accelerated by the state transportation funding plan (Act 89), or those on the department’s Four and Twelve Year Plans, visit www.projects.penndot.gov.

Subscribe to PennDOT news in Adams, Cumberland, Dauphin, Franklin, Lancaster, Lebanon, Perry, and York counties at www.penndot.gov/District8.

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