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'We’re going to get you safe:' Lebanon County homeless shelters extend Code Blue alert for people in need

As wind chill temperatures drop below 20 degrees Fahrenheit, homeless shelters in Lebanon County are giving people in need a warm place to sleep.

LEBANON, Pa. — A Code Blue alert that began on January 14 for homeless shelters in Lebanon County has been extended to January 22. The alert was issued by the Lebanon County Department of Emergency Services on Sunday and was extended due to wind chill temperatures expected to fall below 20 degrees Fahrenheit most nights during the alert period.

The Lebanon County Department of Emergency Services told FOX43 in a statement: 

"In addition to its primary objective of facilitating access to temporary overnight accommodations for individuals experiencing homelessness, the Code Blue Alert serves as a crucial reminder for everyone to remain vigilant in the face of anticipated low overnight temperatures. When venturing outdoors becomes unavoidable, it is imperative to exercise extra precautions to safeguard against the potential dangers posed by exposure to extreme cold."

The cold weather has caused an increase in demand at shelters across Lebanon County including the Lebanon Rescue Mission. Their men's campus has 52 beds, but on Tuesday evening only 10 of them were available. 

"We did five or six intakes [on Monday], and several more [on Tuesday]. So, we definitely ramped up," said Susan Blouch, the executive director of the Lebanon Rescue Mission. "We’ve still got some beds available but we’re getting full."

However, despite the rise in need, workers at the shelter say they are doing everything in their power to get people who need it most a warm and safe place to sleep during the Cold Blue period either at their shelter or at another location.

"We’ll try and take every man that comes to us and get him in a bed and keep him safe," said Blouch. 

The organization is working closely with community partners and other shelters in the area to find those in need a safe and warm place to stay. 

"All the community members and organizations come together to make sure those that are homeless or are struggling are safe," said Blouch.

To the Lebanon Rescue Mission, it’s about more than just giving someone a warm roof over their head.

"They have a chance to not just get out of the cold weather, but they have a chance to rebuild their life and have an opportunity to get back to work and get out of the drama and trauma of living on the streets," said Blouch.

It's a continued community effort for those still looking for help.

“If you need help, if you’re living where you’re not safe and you’re in the weather please reach out to us," said Blouch. "Our prayer is that we are able to get every man who needs a bed, a bed and get them out of the weather and keep them safe."

People who need shelter during the Cold Blue period within Lebanon County are asked to contact the Lebanon Community Action Partnership on 220 E Lehman Street at 717-273-9328 from Monday to Friday between 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. For help outside those hours, contact the Lebanon County Crisis Intervention Hotline at 209 Hathaway Park at 717-274-3363.

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